CRM contacts bulk data deduplication provides clean data to customer support, marketing and sales teams

Key outcomes

The challenge

Bulk clean-up and deduplication of an exhaustive list of contacts in a custom CRM

The company, an energy provider with a large customer database, was looking for a solution to clean up and deduplicate records for better account management, consistent communications with clients, and to provide accurate contextual information to customer support, sales and marketing teams.

Duplicate account data was problematic because:

  • customer support often missed contextual information in accounts, resulting in poorer service quality
  • sales reps missed information about prospects or made mistakes in the CRM
  • marketing teams struggled finding the right data about users, or worked with erronated data in campaigns

The CRM contained different types of duplicate records and duplicate groups relating to customer personal details and preferences.

There were both exact match duplicates as well as partial matches (partial data overlap between records), and no indication for a standard or pattern for master records at the beginning, therefore particular attention was needed to identify this. 

The solution

At the client’s request, PROCESIO team debriefed the company’s account manager to provide an overview of the scope of the solution and expected results.

Following this, the account manager proceeded with implementation: a process that automatically identified the different types of duplicates, determined master records, and provided a clean list at the end. The process included the following steps:

  • Iterate through the full list of CRM records
  • Go through four separate stages to deduplicate data, each with its own different identification criteria and algorithms
  • Create three lists: Duplicates, Uniques, and Correlations 
  • Merge duplicates (from the Duplicates list) with unique records (from Uniques list) in line with correlations (from Correlations list)

It took approximately approximately 2 hours to build and configure this workflow using the built-in deduplication actions in PROCESIO. 

Canvas actions used in this process: Call API, Deduplicate Identification, List Concatenate, For Each.

How to create your own deduplication process

Ready to deduplicate your own data? Follow the step-by-step guides outlined in the following links and you’ll be able to build a custom process fit for your scenario:

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